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E.cuniculli (Encephalitozoon cuniculli)

What is E.CUNICULI ?

What is the signs of E.Cuniculi ?

E.Cuniculi causes destruction of the nervous tissue. Other signs commonly seen with this disease include:

  • A head tilt, 
  • Fitting(seizures)
  •  Loss of balance
  • Tremors
  • Kidney failure 
  • Bladder weakness. 

Unfortunately once the rabbit develops severe clinical signs this can lead to death, Thus it is very important to get your pet rabbit to an exotic savvy vet as soon as possible if you see these signs .

How can you prevent your rabbit from getting E.Cuniculi?

Rabbits become infected by the infective spores of E. cuniculi when they are released into an infected rabbit's urine. A new rabbit becomes infected by eating or inhaling these spores which will be left on the grass or bedding.

Thus it is important to separate your pets if one is showing any of the following symptoms and get them to an exotic savvy vet .It is important to always ensure your pet’s environment is clean .The area can be cleaned using diluted F10 sc (1ml in 10ml water )

It is a brain parasite also known as (Encephalitozoon cuniculi) it attacks 3 systems, mainly the brain ,kidneys and the eyes , This is very common in South Africa ,but if caught early some patients might survive with intensive medical treatment .