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Internal Parasite in Reptiles

What is internal parasites in reptiles?

It is a internal infestation of worms in the reptiles intestines .

Causes of Internal parasites in reptiles:

  • ingestion of parasite eggs from the environment or food 
  • either eating or coming in contact with faeces from other reptiles . 

What are the signs of internal parasites in reptiles:

  • Anorexia
  • not eating 
  • weight loss 
  • lethargy
  • Secondary infections due too low immune system 

How can this be prevented:

  • Please bring your reptile pets in for a health check at an exotic savvy vet every 6 months for the vet to do a faecal analysis (remember to bring a faecel sample with you when visiting the vet).
  • clean faeces immediately after they have passed it .
  • clean water and food bowls every day as they like to poop in the water.
  • clean the substrate and enclosure daily 
  • do not put too much individuals together in one enclosure .

If you see any of the above mentioned signs please contact your nearest exotic savvy vet to make an appointment .