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Bumble foot

What is Bumble foot ?

It is also known as pododermatitis. It is a very painful swelling or sometimes an open wound on the bottom of the feet. Commonly found in Rabbits, Rats, Guinea pig and birds .

What causes bumble foot?

  • Walking on hard surfaces
  • Having a wet, dirty environment
  • Walking on wired surfaces
  • Having toenails that are too long

What are the symptoms ?

  • Swelling of the feet
  • Red or Pink round areas around the feet 
  • Painful when walking 
  • Lifting of the feet 
  • Overgrooming or mutilation of the foot or feet 

How do I prevent it ?

  • Keep cages, bedding, and pens dry & clean.
  • Your pet needs solid & soft bedding to walk on.
  • Cover all wired walking surfaces.
  • Use natural perches for birds.

  If you see any of the above mentioned symptoms, please contact the nearest exotic savvy vet .