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Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease spreading like Ebola Part 2

“I would suggest that all rabbits above 1 month old be vaccinated to try and protect them. There's only a few veterinarians who have the vaccine as it needs to be imported specially so owners must please contact their nearest Rabbit Savvy Vet for the vaccine.” She added that many did not realise how aggressive the virus was, it was like living organism, thriving on objects and insects “The virus can spread through insects making summer a very high risk time with the increase in mosquitoes, it can spread on shoes, clothes, hands and many more ways,” she explained.

RHDV Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Vaccination at Exotic Vet Century City Cape Town by Dr Karli Du Preez

Rabbit owner, Jessica Leibrandt, said it was important to vaccinate and care for the animals: “As a rabbit owner of two beautiful boys, I understand the anxiety and heartbreak of seeing and hearing about the deaths caused by RHDV in the rabbit community. “As there is no treatment for RHD the only thing we can do as fur parents is to vaccinate our babies against RHD, enforce bio security and take responsibility to care for our little ones in order to protect them as much as we can."

RHDV Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Vaccination at Exotic Vet Century City

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Vaccination for Rabbits

At the Southern Cape’s Bunny Haven, 15 rabbits have died. The sanctuary took to Facebook to explain how these animals were dying just moments after one another. They said in a statement “ RHD, 15 of the Haven's Bunnies in foster care in George passed yesterday within 4 hrs of being well and alive. “Four hours later, upon checking on them and going to feed them, she found them all passed, some with blood from their noses. “All 15 in the group passed in just this short time. “Correct and extreme bio security measures have been taken. “They were well looking and alive in the morning, though subdued, which was thought to be due to the extreme weather. “These bunnies fell under the haven, they were all rescued a while back, they were all sterilised already, and under foster as the Haven premises itself is overfull.” They said they had over 200 rabbits in foster care and that most were vaccinated and that only 10 % were not yet vaccinated. “We organised a mayday emergency call yesterday afternoon and had the other four bunnies that were in our George Foster mom's care still from the Haven, that had been kept in a separate quarantine area, to be vaccinated.” “We have begged the state vets to become involved earlier in the week while hundreds of dead rabbits have been reported to us, from all over the country.”